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We will examine the various signs and planetary placements.

1 h
150 US dollars
Online Session

Service Description

We will examine the various signs and planetary placements that unify to make up of your light frequency, your cosmic yantra, your stream of light consciousness into form, your merkaba, your soul blueprint, your karmic code! Like going to a well for water, this language of light that comes to us in chart form, is the source or well of self-knowledge. Vedic Astrology is a sister science of the Vedas and it gives us deep mystical information about our soul, our current life karma, and our personal relationship to the cosmos. Within your chart you will learn about your ‘yogas’, energetic alchemical combinations that create specific patterns that bring light into form and create the unique Being called; YOU!

Appointments that are not cancelled within 24 hours of cancellation without a reasonable explanation will be charged full price. You will notice that I keep my fees lower than my respective colleagues because I want to keep this wisdom affordable for the younger yoginis who form an important part of my beloved clientle. If you book with me, please respect time. Thank you!

Contact Details

+1 401 4812878 

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